The Basic of Ajax
This is the agenda of this presentation. First, I will briefly talk about what we mean by "Rich User Experience" from an end-user standpoint. I will then go over several Rich Internet Application technologies that make rich user experience possible when using Web applications. Then I will spend the rest of the presentation talking about AJAX in a bit more detail. First, I will show you the real-life examples and usage cases of AJAX to give you a sense of how AJAX is currently being used. Then I will talk about a little bit on what is and Why AJAX describing differences between conventional and AJAX-based web applications. Then I will spend sometime talking about the technologies that are used under AJAX-based applications - mainly JavaScript, CSS, DOM, and XMLHttpRequest JavaScript object. We will then spend some time talking about the anatomy of an AJAX operation using an example code. Here we will go over the sequence of things that occur in a typical AJAX-based interaction between a browser and the server. We will then look into the methods and properties of the XMLHttpRequest JavaScript object. We will also learn more about the XMLHttpRequest object. In the latter part of this presentation, I will touch briefly on AJAX security issues. Then I will talk about some JavaScript debugging tools for testing and debugging AJAX applications. 1. What is Rich User Experience? 2. Rich Internet Application (RIA) Technologies 3. AJAX: Real-life examples & Usage cases 4. What is and Why AJAX? 5. Technologies used in AJAX 6. Anatomy of AJAX operation 7. XMLHttpRequest Methods & Properties 8. DOM APIs & InnerHTML 9. AJAX Security 10. JavaScript debugging tools 11. Current issues and Future.
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