AGT's Prince Poppycock: Not Just Some Clown Act
The top 4 finalists for "America's Got Talent" have finally been chosen, with all of the "Gong Show"-reminiscent freaks and novelty acts weeded out long ago. (Chips, Mary Ellen, Pup...we hardly knew ye.) So among the final four, painted-faced opera dandy Prince Poppycock stands out like, well, a poppy-colored peacock. With his pancake-thick mime makeup, satin pantaloons, harlequin leotards, and towering powdered wigs, this flamboyant fop is a dashing if bizarre figure--imagine if Klaus Nomi had had a starring role in Dangerous Liaisons, or if David Bowie circa 1980, fully clothed in his "Ashes To Ashes" video glam-jester attire, had tackled opera (or, as I like to call it, "fopera") along with new wave. Or maybe if the Upper Crust ever staged a rock operetta. -via-
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