Datuk Sosilawati investigations completed next week
By toreksulong send a private message
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Investigation on the murder of cosmetics milionaire, Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya and three others in Ladang Gadong, Tanjung Sepat, Selangor is now in final stages and expected to be complete next week.
Director of Criminal Investigation Department, Police Headquarters in Bukit Aman, Datuk Seri Mohd. Bakri Mohd. Zinin said police has received sufficient evidence on the admission of suspects, the suspect and the evidence found at the location of the incident.
"Paper on the murder investigation of Datuk Sosilawati, 47, and three others will be submit to the Attorney General for review as soon as it finished next week. Police also deliver whether the eight suspects to be prosecuted or not to the Attorney General's Office to determine," he told reporters in Dang Wangi police headquarters here today.
Special press conference held to brief the media on the development of the police investigation into the case with the cosmetics millionaire lost with her personal assistant, Shamsuddin Kamaruddin, 44; lawyer Ahmad Kamil Abd. Karim, 32, and an officer of CIMB Bank, Noorhisham Mohamad, 38, since August 30.
Sosila loss with three individuals, however, get loose when the police arrested eight suspects, including a lawyer called "Datuk" believed the main mastermind of the four murder them.
Follow-up admission of suspects, police operations searching for evidence of materials around several rivers in Ladang Gadong trusted location ashes disposed of all the victims.
The result of that, police found a variety of exhibits, including bone fragments, the three victims, used watches, mobile phone model 'BlackBerry' that's believed to Sosilawati and some other goods.
Mohd. Bakri told, the remand of five of the eight suspects that ended yesterday was extended for seven days until 23 September.
He said three other suspects remand period ended on this day will also be extended.
"We had to extend the period of remand to the eight suspects in the investigation to produce fresh leads. Nevertheless, the inquiry is expected to end next week and we will submit the investigation paper to the Attorney General," he said.
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