Greenpois0n - Chronic Dev's 3.1 Jailbreak Tool - Information
Chronic and the Chronic Dev team (posixninja, westbaer, chronic, ius, help from geohot, etc) have just begun to work on their newest 3.1 jailbreak tool, Greenpois0n.
Greenpois0n is still in very early development stages. So please, do not harass any of them, they're working on it.
Now, some of you may be asking: What the hell?!?! What is wrong with redsn0w??!?!
Well, the members of iPhone Dev are NOT the only iPhone/iPod touch hackers out there, haha.
Basically, Greenpois0n is going to be a great tool that jailbreaks 3.1 for all devices. (3.1.1. for iPod touches.)
Yes, ALL DEVICES! Including the newly released iPod touch 3rd Generation. Chronic kept an exploit secret so that Apple wouldn't patch it. You can view a demo that Chronic made of the exploit here.
Chronic dev has set up a website for the tool, click here to view the site.
One last thing. I have noticed that for the last view months people have been very disrespectful to the privacy of these developers/hackers. Please, for crying out loud, do not beg them for hurrying up with projects such as Greenpois0n and/or asking them for an ETA. They are working very hard, night and day, to satisfy everyone. Please respect them. This goes for everyone. Thank you.
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