Sosilawati and three other found murdered
BANTING, Sunday 12 September 2010: It certainly is a gloomy and sorrowful Hari Raya for the family of 47-year-old cosmetic tycoon Sosilawati Lawiya. She and three others have been found murdered, with their bodies burned and ashes strewn at a river near Ladang Gadong in Tanjong Sepat, hear here.
Bernama quoted Bukit Aman CID director Mohd Bakri Zinin as telling a news conference at the Banting police headquarters that police, however, still needed the forensic confirmation to fully ascertain the matter.
The three others are Sosilawati's driver Kamaruddin Shamsudin, 44, Kampung Baru CIMB bank officer Noorhisham Mohammad, 38, and her personal lawyer Ahmad Kamil Abdul Karim, 32. All four were reported missing since 30 August 2010 after coming here to discuss a land purchase deal.
Bakri also said that the police have arrested a 'Datuk' lawyer, his younger brother, also a lawyer, and six workers of an oil palm plantation here where Sosilawati Lawiya and others were murdered.
Bakri said the suspects admitted that they took the victims to the four-hectare plantation, bludgeoned them to death and burned their bodies. They later scattered the ashes at a river near the Ladang Gadong in Tanjong Sepat
Bakri said police picked up five of the suspects on Friday.
Yesterday, police arrested the Datuk and his brother, attached to a law firm here, while the eighth suspect was arrested today.
Bakri, however, could not confirm the date the murder took place but said that it could be anytime between the day they were reported missing and yesterday.
On the motive of the incident, Bakri said it pointed towards business rivalry between the two lawyers and Sosilawati.
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