Sosilawati Lawiya brutally murdered?
Bakri Zinin confirms deaths. Update from Bernama.
Woken up by a phone call today, alerting me to this sad news.
Early reports from the Malaysian media (mainstream, non-mainstream and social) today seem to indicate that the police had arrested up to 7 people in connection with the deaths of four people that could be Sosilawati and her three associates.
Sosilawati, a cosmetics entrepreneur, was reported missing more than a week ago, along with her lawyer, driver and ostensibly a financial adviser.
The mystery of the Nouvelle Visage brand founder’s disappearance maybe the stuff of front pages for the weeks if not months to come.
Latest from Bernama is this report. More updates from The Star here.
Gist: Police have recovered some personal belongings of Sosilawati at a farm in Tanjung Sepat. They believe that Sosilawati and the three men with her were murdered, their remains burned and the ashes strewn into the nearby sea.
Tanjung Sepat will now be thronged by those fascinated by the macabre, i’m sure. Interestingly though, the lawyer “Datuk” apparently arrested in relation to this case has yet to be named.
It has been nearly 4 years since the gruesome murder of Altantuya Sharibuu rocked Malayisa, and questions still abound.
And now this.
Now, consider the temerity of the party that could order the killing of four individuals, one of them well known, and just make the bodies disappear.
Some clout there. Or should we assume that practice makes perfect. Rumours are rife…but let’s not go there just yet. Whatever said, I think the police did its job…and this is pretty fast.
The families of the dead must be quite distraught right now. My condolences go to them.
Rest in Peace, Sosilawati, Kamarudin Shamsudin, Abdul Kamil Karim and Noorhisham Mohammad.
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