Domestic Roof Mounted Wind Turbines
The political, media and economic climate for renewables is in a state of rapid flux. Publicawareness of global warming and the consequent climate change is growing. The need toincrease the use of sources of energy which minimise the deleterious effects of greenhousegases is pressing. It is this context which makes the development of small-scale renewablegenerating plant (micro-generation) so exciting. The effect of millions of small micro-generatorsacross the country, in domestic dwellings, businesses and public buildings, has the potential tomeet much of the national demand for electricity at source. Further benefits are obtained frommicro-generation, as losses due to centralised generation, transmission and distribution are virtuallyeliminated. Not only does this allow deferment of electricity grid upgrade, but the Carbon Dioxidesavings are virtually doubled, as the electricity which arrives at its end point of use has lost roughly50% of its initial raw energy value from efficiency losses along the way.A recent study by the Green Alliance ( the benefits of investing in micro-generation rather than a new round of nuclear powerstations, and concludes that micro-generation is a cost-effective, low-carbon alternative to nuclearpower. Renewable energy sources are most effective when there is an intelligent mix of differentrenewable types. Micro-wind can make an important contribution to that mix, and Wales hasone of the best wind resources in Europe. From this background, an initial study into the maintechnologies on offer makes great sense.This study is the result of research carried out on small-scale wind technologies, combined with atrip to the manufacturers of the Swift and Windsave turbines. As part of the RES-e regions projectthis document covers issues specific to Wales. There is however, a very wide correlation betweenconditions in Wales and other parts of the UK, and it is hoped that this document will prove usefulto a wide range of people from a large geographic area. For further information about the RES-eproject, and to download further documents, visit CharacteristicsSmall roof-mounted turbines are designed for large-scale deployment in many areas; rural, urbanand brown-field. Because of the large target locations, they have very specific characteristics whichmust be met in order to comply with the demands and expectations of consumers, planners and thedistribution network operators (DNOs). These include:Low noise levelsReliable operationValue for moneyMinimised visual intrusionCompliance with all safety requirements, both structural and electricalIt cannot be emphasised strongly enough that installations which are unsafe or cause problems toproperties to which they are attached, or devices which fail to live up to expectations regardingperformance, have the potential to severely undermine confidence in this nascent sector. The development of domestic roof-mounted wind turbines has only just begun. The two turbinesinvestigated here are at the post-development stages and are gearing up for mass production. Thismeans that prices for installed turbines are currently far in excess of the target price. Work done onpayback times is performed using the final target price, which is probably some 18 months awayfor Swift, and perhaps 12 months away for Windsave.There is currently no mechanism for getting paid for electricity exported to the grid, or for claimingRenewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs). The control panels of both turbines display indicativevalues of kWh produced, but this is not sufficient for DNOs to credit electricity payments or claimROCs.
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