Medical Malpractice Lawyer Internet Resources
of interest to medical malpractice attorneys is an article entitled “Medical Records Help. Attorneys Uncover Crucial Case Details.” … In Michigan, few areas of law are as research intensive as medical malpractice. The medical malpractice practitioner must research the appropriate standard of care, medical procedures, conditions and
treatments, doctor certifications and specialties, expert witness credentials, and damages, among other things. This article aims to provide helpful online resources to malpractice practitioners.1
Malpractice Law Primers A number of medical malpractice practitioners post information for the benefit of the legal community. For example, a general summary of malpractice litigation in Michigan can be found at http://www.mcandl…..
provides a basic overview of the statutes of limitations, statutory cap on attorneys’ fees, contributory or comparative negligence, joint and several liability, collateral source rule, contribution, pre-judgment interest, vicarious liability, expert testimony, immunities,damage caps, and arbitration. Another potentially beneficial resource is The ’Lectric Law Library Lawcopedia’s Law & Medicine web page at Of interest to practitioners may be the “Practical Litigation Info” designed ex- clusively for attorneys, which includes: Tips to help determine whether the case • under review is a strong malpractice case Examples of strong malpractice cases • Tips for evaluating the medical malpractice client Tips for choosing proper medical malpractice • practice defendants Tips for handling the initial malpractice •case review by medical experts
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