Hybrid Wind-Solar Power System
ENERGY OVERVIEW Energy Resources: sun and wind Technology: solar-wind hybrid Application: lighting (public and domestic),TV, radio, refrigeration, washing machine, and public phone Sector: residential,public Cost to consumers: at least $3,300 paid by the community for installations, daily use of electricity also paid for by consumers Total power provided: 17-18 kW (9 kW wind, 7 kW photovoltaics, and 1-2 kW diesel generator) Households Served: 10 homes (100 inhabitants), a mosque and a school
BACKGROUND The area of the Occupied Palestinian Territories is one of the most densely populated regions in the Middle East. Approximately 15% of the communities in the West Bank and Gaza are not connected to the electricity grid, and electricity is expensive for those who are connected.This project targets a small, 100-person Bedouin community in Innab Alkabeera, which is located in Hebron,the southern area of the Palestinian Authority, along the border with Israel.Although this community was established in 1948,prior to implementation of this project residents still relied on kerosene lamps and a diesel generator for their energy needs.The diesel generator only provided enough power for 3 hours of electricity per day.The village also lacks most other types of infrastructure, including water supply, a sewage system, and paved roads.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Overview The project assisted this community in building and operating a A hybrid wind-solar power system provides lighting to Bedouin community in Innab Alkabeera (Hebron,Occupied Palestinian Territories). Steve Sabella solar-wind hybrid power system to meet most of the village’s energy needs.The work was completed with strong community cooperation and contribution, facilitated by a five-member committee. In addition, the project incorporated energy efficiency awareness into its project plans,to ensure that the community would get the most possible use out of the energy generated.Finally, the project plans include efforts to share this idea with other nearby communities. Implementation The community formed a five-member committee, which included one woman, to facilitate cooperation between the community and PARC with the technical expertise. This committee helped choose the necessary land for building the power station and negotiate the agreement of land owners to extend the mini-grid through their lands,and contribute manual labor to complete the project. The community also contributed over $3,300 to help cover construction costs, paid in several installments. However, for those who worked to build the system, for example by helping to dig holes in which to stand the wooden poles to string distribution wires,the project paid wages or counted that work as part of their contribution. PARC trained two members of the committee to maintain the station,and to respond to any emergencies.If maintained properly, the system is expected to last 25 years. Finally, PARC conducted a workshop in the village about energy use, with the goal of encouraging the most efficient use of the limited energy made available by this system.
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