Wind Energy and Production of Hydrogen and Electricity
Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of domestic, renewable sources of energy. Anassessment of options for wind/hydrogen/electricity systems at both central and distributed scalesprovides insight into opportunities for renewable hydrogen as well as research priorities for thishydrogen production pathway.The analysis of the central production of hydrogen from wind was conducted. This technologyinvolves hydrogen production at the wind site with hydrogen delivered to the point of use. Theresults of this study are that hydrogen can be produced at the wind site for prices ranging from$5.55/kg in the near term to $2.27/kg in the long term. A research opportunity in this scenario isthe elimination of redundant controls and power electronics in a combined turbine/electrolysissystem. A second analysis was completed in which wind power was used in a distributed fashion forhydrogen production. The wind farm provides a signal to a remotely located electrolyzer, whichallows the electrolyzer to run only when the wind is blowing. An advantage of this scenario isthat signals from many different wind farms could be used, which would increase the capacityfactor and thus decrease the cost of the hydrogen production system. The results of this secondstudy are that hydrogen can be produced at the point of use for prices ranging from $4.03/kg inthe near term to $2.33/kg in the long term. This novel approach results in low production costsand could minimize delivery costs if the electrolyzer was located at the filling station. Both analyses reveal that in order to optimize the production of hydrogen from wind, theelectricity and hydrogen production needs to be examined as an integrated system. Researchersat the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are workingto build renewable hydrogen from wind into a viable production method for transportation fuel inthe future. Background and Purpose of the Study In early 2005, Xcel Energy approached NREL to conduct a study to determine if hydrogen couldbe economically produced via wind power for transportation fuel use. NREL had done suchstudies in the past, but the ability to partner with a utility and to use Xcel Energy’s expertise ofthe electricity sector provided a unique opportunity for analysis. Two cases were studied; onewhere hydrogen was produced at the wind site, and delivered to the point of use, and a secondnovel approach where hydrogen was produced at the point of use using wind energy transportedthrough the electric grid from several wind farms. In both studies low temperature electrolysisunits were used to convert the wind energy to hydrogen. Electrolysis is the production of hydrogen from water. An electric current is passed through ananode and a cathode in contact with water.
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