3801 SOC Acura 815825835
The new Acura® manual pipette line. was built with the same attention. B.825.E - A703. concept and design: the magic pencil. Acura.
The new Acura?manual pipette line
was built with the same attention
that made the brand famous over
several instrument generations.
Introducing a slick design with easy
volume reading, it also features a
number of innovations making
high-performance pipetting safe
and agreeable.
The Acura?line features:
?Digital display window for permanent
volume visibility
?Exceptional, user-friendly ergonomics
?Ultra-soft, effortless activation
?Innovative tip ejection concept
?Swift-set user calibration system
?Entirely autoclavable at 121°C
The Acura?manual models
815 825 835 fixed micro macro
digital reading
Website: www.rosesci.com
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