Installation Instructions For Audi TT pdf
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Short description inside PDF content may interested you to read : Many wheel-cleaning solutions contain strong acids that may damage the finish on any caliper and or aluminum anodized finish, especially the plating on the hardware. Check for adverse effects by trying a small amount of the cleaner in question on an inconspicuous area. Avoid over spraying, and rinse the cleaning solution off as quickly as possible. STOPTECH will not be held liable for damage to caliper, hat or bracket finish due to corrosive chemical exposure. Step 1 Jack up the car.
Apply Parking Brake and properly block rear wheels. Remove plastic wheel nut covers using the factory supplied tool. Brake loose the lug nuts on both front wheels with a 17mm socket before jacking up the vehicle and secure on a pair of jack stands. Or jack one side only using a single jack stand of suitable load rating. Step 2 Remove Wheels After securing the vehicle at a convenient height, remove the front wheels. Wheel shown may not be representative of vehicle described in this manual. Step 3 Remove Inner Brake Line Connection WARNING – Brake line fluid will damage most painted surfaces.
Immediately clean spilled brake fluid from any painted surfaces. Place a drip tray or several rags directly below the inboard brake line connection. If the area around the connection is dirty, clean with brake cleaner or appropriate cleaning agent Note- Be sure the cap is securely installed on the master cylinder. If the cap is loose or removed, it is likely more fluid will drip. Using an 11mm wrench, loosen and remove the hard line fitting from the stock brake line. Removal of Clip Shown Quickly place one of the rubber caps over the end of the hard line. This should effectively control fluid loss for the duration of the installation. Note- Brake fluid will drip onto your hands during this operation. Latex gloves may be preferred. Be aware that brake fluid will soak through fabric or leather gloves and transfer to everything touched after that.
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