TECH TIPS 5 - Miscellaneous
Honda or Acura just they way they were supposed to, … YOUR OWNER’S MANUAL: I am still amazed to this day by the number of people.
TECH TIPS 5 - Miscellaneous
OVERHEATING: Please, never drive your vehicle when you know or suspect that your
engine is overheating. This is a very expensive decision. If your temperature gauge is 3/4
or over, pull over and turn off the engine. Do not try to fix it yourself - just raising your
hood at the wrong time can cause serious injury. If you do not see any steam or coolant
boiling out onto the ground, you should be able to allow your engine to cool off 15-20
minutes, then restart and quickly drive to the nearest phone or service facility, constantly
watching the temperature gauge. The safest decision is usually to call a tow truck. Just a
minimum amount of overheating can actually ruin your engine and cost you a bundle on
replacement. Constantly observing all the gauges on your car while driving should be as
regular as looking into your mirrors. It’s that important.
OIL LIGHTS: NEVER NEVER EVER drive with an oil light on or flashing, quickly pull over
and turn off the engine. Checking the oil level will quickly tell you whether you have a low
oil situation or an internal.
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