Volvo 850 series 1998-2000 S/V/70 and 1998-2004 HID conversion installation instructions Pdf
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1. Take the kit out of the box and lay everything out. You can install either the ballasts or bulbs first but typically it is
easier to install the bulbs first.
2. Remove the access cap from the rear of your headlight housing as shown.
3. Drill a hole in the center of the cap as shown. If you use a hole saw that will be all you need. If you use the small drill
bit you will need to use your dremel to cut a 1″ hole. You may want to use some sand paper just to smooth the edges
you have cut.
4. Some of the bulbs come with adaptors that some other cars require (shown by the blue arrow). This Volvo
installation does not require them. Take your plyers and cut them off. This will allow you to remove the base of the bulb
case later on (shown by the red arrow).
5. Feed the AMP connector ends of the bulbs through the hole from the inside out and seat as shown. Seal the
provided 1″ gasket in the hole you have made. You should have two connectors coming out of the same side as the
bulb that will eventually connect to the OEM harness- these will be connected later. Leave the bulb in the case for now.
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